Solid as a rock: Individual awards, trophies and distinctions made of asphalt, concrete and stone not only impress with their power and strength, they also surprise with their fascinating appearance – Absolutely different from old-fashioned cups.
Here you can see some of our awards made of concrete, asphalt and stone, which we have designed and produced especially for our customers. On request, we will be happy to send you further inspiration and examples of awards made of stone and other materials. Please use our contact form to get in touch with us quickly and easily.
Your stone trophy as an eye-catcher.
So much for grey and boring – our stone trophies prove how exclusive and noble the natural material can look! Depending on the occasion and your wishes, we create a design together with our customers’ ideas, turning the award made of asphalt, concrete or stone into a real eye-catcher. Whether natural stone with a regional background or artificial stone – there are hardly any limits to the variety of this robust material.
The natural material is extremely versatile.
AWARDdesign uses different shapes and surface structures to conjure up a truly unique piece from the plain stone in the custom-made trophies. A combination with other materials such as metal or glass is also a popular way to further enhance a high-quality stone award. Send us an inquiry with your personal ideas now and you will soon be holding your customized award in your hands!
You will find further examples of awards, trophies, tombstones and presents here: